Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Stages of Development: Psychology

Dear Students,

This week, we will begin the study on the Stages of Human Development. The theories and studies of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikerson, and Sigmund Freud lay the foundation for much the information we will cover in the up coming chapters. Be sure to integrate previous sections on general psychology, memory, biology & behavior, and consciousness to form a complete understanding of human development. Of all the topics to be covered this year, this section is sure to be the most useful and informative.

"To think without study is futile. To study without thinking is dangerous." Confucius

-Mr. Amaye-Obu

Please visit the following for additional information & resources
Stages of Cognitive Development
Piaget WEBMD

Adolescence Advice

Stages of Development: Fertilization to Birth
Early Childhood

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Brief Study Guide: Ch. 5

Ch 5: Consciousness

Consciousness, Three types of Consciousness, Altered State of Consciousness,
Circadian Rhythm, REM Sleep, Sleep Disorders, Types of Meditation, Biofeedback, Hypnosis, Three types of drugs and their effects, addiction.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Consciousness: Who are You (Personality Test)? / Dreams


     As we begin our study on Consciousness (Unconsciousness, Sleep, Dreams, Meditation, Biofeedback, Hypnosis, Drugs) pg. 103-123. Complete the following test by Sigmund Freud to determine our conscious personality.

Personality Test


Dreams can be the key to understanding the unconscious activities of the brain. Please use the following, one or the other, to interpret the meanings behind your dreams this week. Remember, the memory must be trained by repetition to retain and all dreams can be remembered by active memory. Thus, sleep well and practice recording what happened and the important images, details, and objects in your dreams. For example, if you see an owl in your dream, look up owl on our Dream interpreter website. If you are sad or you have a pet dog that dies, look it up in the Dream Interpreter.

Last, Have fun discovering your the hidden desires, thoughts, and emotions of your unconscious.

Dream Moods
Psychology World

Return with the results on Tuesday, Nov.3.
-Mr. Amaye-Obu 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Midterm: Study Guide- Biology & Behavior (The Brain)

What is Psychology pg 3-21
The Memory pg. 153-173

Biology & Behavior pg 54- 75

Diagrams: The Brain, The Endocrine System
Concepts: Psychological Perspectives, Famous Psychologist, The Memory, 3 types of Memory, & Biology of the Brain.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Birth of Psychology Biography & School of Thought

Photo courtesy of Rally Bound
Birth of Psychology Biography & School of Thought 
Due: Oct. 13th

Sigmund Freud         William James    Anna Freud       John Dewey
Jean Piaget             John Watson         Abraham Maslow BF Skinner
Carl Jung            Kenneth Clark       Mamie Philps Clark
Wilhelm  Wundt        Lu Zhiwei   Ivan Pavlov

Identify the thinkers who have contributed to the field of psychology and
describe the theories developed to push psychology forward.

  1. Select a psychologist.
  2. Find three sources about the psychologist. At least two books.
  3.  Write a 1000 word Essay describing the life and theories of your psychologist. Identify the school of psychology, three leading theories/ideas of your selected psychologist, and a short biography detailing family background and university where they studied to develop their ideas.
Analysis & Conclusion:
  1. Share the essay with Mr. AMaye-Obu

Graded: 1-4
Essay provides three exceptional theories/ideas of the psychologist, which explain the ideas and school of thought. The essay also includes a short biography of the psychologist including a works cited page listing the sources of information for the essay. (2 books & one internet source)
Essay provides three interesting theories/ideas of the psychologist, and discusses the school of psychology of the psychologist. The essay also includes a short biography of the psychologist including a works cited page listing the sources of information for the essay. (2 books & one internet source)
Essay provides two comprehensive theories/ideas of the psychologist, and discusses the school of psychology. The essay includes a short biography and includes a list of sources of information for the essay (2 books & one internet source)

Essay provides one theory/idea of the psychologist, but lacks information on the school of psychology, biography, or a list of sources.
Essay Requirement: Heading
Double-spaced, 12 Font.
New Times Roman or Calibri
Source (Work Cited Page)
1000 words
Essay Requirement: Heading
Double-spaced, 12 Font.
New Times Roman or Calibri
Source (Work Cited Page)
1000 words
Essay Requirement: Heading
Double-spaced, 12 Font.
New Times Roman or Calibri
Source (Work Cited Page)
750-1000 words
Essay Requirement: Heading
Double-spaced, 12 Font.ing New Times Roman or Calibri
No Source (Work Cited Page)
Less than 1000 words

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Biological Perspective: The Brain

OCHS Psychology Students,

Can biology explain our behavior?

Study the parts of the brain and as a class we will
discuss its functions, and evaluate its effect on our psychology as well as behavior.

-Mr. Amaye-Obu
Biological Approach
The Dana Foundation
The Brain

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Memory Test

AMPS Psychology Students,

The study of the memory and how information is stored is a major topic within psychology. Our short term, long term, and sensory memory have a significant affect on our daily lives. Thus, let us explore the confines of our personal memories.

Discover the unique abilities of your memory.

Hypothesis: What type of Memory do you have?

Select and complete one of the following Memory Tests
1. Psychology World: Goldfish
2. Human Benchmark: Memory Test

Analysis & Conclusion: Take a picture or print out your results.
Answer the following questions:
1. Was your memory as good as your hypothesis suggested?
2. What did you learn about your memory?
3. What can you do to improve your memory and is it possible to improve your memory?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Mind & Hypnotism: A Visit from Dr. Dave Hill

Dr. Dave Hill Mythbuster's TV Appearance
Posted by Dr. Dave Hill - Comedy Hypnosis Shows on Sunday, July 5, 2015

Hypnotism: An Intimate Visit With Dr. Dave Hill: Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015 (2pm)

Psychology & Dr. Dave Hill at Oakland Charter High School: TBA

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Inside the Mind of Hollywood: A Psychoanalysis of Marvel's Avengers

In, Psychopathology of Everyday Life (Freud 1901), Sigmund Freud describes the evidence and unconscious meaning behind everyday verbal cues and actions. In his theory, a Freudian Slip is a "Slip of the tongue," or an individual's error in speech and action, usually attributed to an unconscious desire. Like, calling a spouse by an ex name, or  yelling at someone, who has nothing to do with your source of anger. If, we can attribute an individual's actions and thoughts to their "unconscious" desires and memories, then surely, we can apply the same logic to the public, at large. We can attribute an entire culture or nation's behavior and actions to their unconscious beliefs, feelings, and experiences. An even larger experiment in psychoanalysis can be applied to major Hollywood Blockbuster Hits like James Cameron's Avator (2009), Wachowski's The Matrix (1999-2003), and particularly for this writings' expos'e, Marvel's Avengers. Marvel's Avengers (Avengers 2012 & Age of Ultron 2015) has grossed well over $1.1 billion dollars in ticket sales. There isn't a better movie to be analyzed to uncover the innermost thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires of an entire nation and culture? These movies and their written scripts not only disclose the unconscious minds of its writers, but the surrounding culture and society, which permits these mega productions for cultural exchange of ideas and feelings of "timeless" grandeur & glory. In this writing series, we will go inside the mind of Hollywood and uncover the hidden meanings and interpretations, of one of its most successful hits to date, Marvel's The Avengers.

For the full article please email WestOaklandImports@gmail.com.