Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Stages of Development: Psychology

Dear Students,

This week, we will begin the study on the Stages of Human Development. The theories and studies of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikerson, and Sigmund Freud lay the foundation for much the information we will cover in the up coming chapters. Be sure to integrate previous sections on general psychology, memory, biology & behavior, and consciousness to form a complete understanding of human development. Of all the topics to be covered this year, this section is sure to be the most useful and informative.

"To think without study is futile. To study without thinking is dangerous." Confucius

-Mr. Amaye-Obu

Please visit the following for additional information & resources
Stages of Cognitive Development
Piaget WEBMD

Adolescence Advice

Stages of Development: Fertilization to Birth
Early Childhood