Thursday, September 24, 2015

Birth of Psychology Biography & School of Thought

Photo courtesy of Rally Bound
Birth of Psychology Biography & School of Thought 
Due: Oct. 13th

Sigmund Freud         William James    Anna Freud       John Dewey
Jean Piaget             John Watson         Abraham Maslow BF Skinner
Carl Jung            Kenneth Clark       Mamie Philps Clark
Wilhelm  Wundt        Lu Zhiwei   Ivan Pavlov

Identify the thinkers who have contributed to the field of psychology and
describe the theories developed to push psychology forward.

  1. Select a psychologist.
  2. Find three sources about the psychologist. At least two books.
  3.  Write a 1000 word Essay describing the life and theories of your psychologist. Identify the school of psychology, three leading theories/ideas of your selected psychologist, and a short biography detailing family background and university where they studied to develop their ideas.
Analysis & Conclusion:
  1. Share the essay with Mr. AMaye-Obu

Graded: 1-4
Essay provides three exceptional theories/ideas of the psychologist, which explain the ideas and school of thought. The essay also includes a short biography of the psychologist including a works cited page listing the sources of information for the essay. (2 books & one internet source)
Essay provides three interesting theories/ideas of the psychologist, and discusses the school of psychology of the psychologist. The essay also includes a short biography of the psychologist including a works cited page listing the sources of information for the essay. (2 books & one internet source)
Essay provides two comprehensive theories/ideas of the psychologist, and discusses the school of psychology. The essay includes a short biography and includes a list of sources of information for the essay (2 books & one internet source)

Essay provides one theory/idea of the psychologist, but lacks information on the school of psychology, biography, or a list of sources.
Essay Requirement: Heading
Double-spaced, 12 Font.
New Times Roman or Calibri
Source (Work Cited Page)
1000 words
Essay Requirement: Heading
Double-spaced, 12 Font.
New Times Roman or Calibri
Source (Work Cited Page)
1000 words
Essay Requirement: Heading
Double-spaced, 12 Font.
New Times Roman or Calibri
Source (Work Cited Page)
750-1000 words
Essay Requirement: Heading
Double-spaced, 12 New Times Roman or Calibri
No Source (Work Cited Page)
Less than 1000 words

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